It seems Jesus had a thing about faith. Like a prospector panning for gold, he gazed into each personality to draw out faith's intriguing glow.
People of faith, who weren't always of Israel, fascinated him - the Canaanite woman (Matthew 15), the Centurion (Matthew 8) and the woman who touched the hem of his robe (Matthew 9).
He even plans to be searching the human race for faith when he returns in his Coming (Luke 18:8).
Not only does faith get Jesus' attention, but it makes him happy. When he sees faith, he's thrilled! Don't believe it? Read Hebrews chapter eleven. Meditate on verse six - "And without faith it is impossible to please God..."
Since all this is true, maybe faith plays a larger role than we've imagined, especially in our prayer life (Mark 11:22-25 comes to mind immediately).
So where do I start? What's the beginning, the ground-zero of faith? I think it starts with understanding this - "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1 NIV).
Certainty. That's the state of mind called "faith". Call it certitude, persuasion, conviction, or even stubbornness, faith is being sure. It has no doubt. It doesn't waver. (Question: Since faith is being sure, and salvation comes by faith, am I saved if I'm not sure I'm saved?)
When it comes to prayer, faith has no doubt that it will get the answer!
So, how do I get to that point of certitude?
"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." (Romans 10:17 NIV).
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