Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why prayer and revival are twins

Here's a website about prayer and revival that I find fascinating...

It'll give you insights (maybe sometimes disturbing ones) into how revival happens, and the link between prayer and spiritual renewal.

Here's a recap of one of the stories:

Off the western coast of Scotland, a powerful revival arrived during 1949-52.

One convert was Donald, a fifteen-year-old boy who became one of the most amazing intercessors in the area.

The preacher, Duncan Campbell, visited the boy’s home one day and found him on his knees in the barn with his Bible open.

When interrupted he quietly said: "Excuse me a little, Mr. Campbell, I'm having an audience with the King."

Powerful outpourings of the Spirit would occur when this boy prayed.

Once in the police station in Barvas he stood up, simply clasped his hands together, and uttered one word - "Father." Everyone was melted to tears as the Presence of God invaded the house.

And in Bernera, a small island off the coast of Lewis, as Duncan Campbell was preaching, the atmosphere was heavy and preaching difficult, so half way through his sermon he stopped.

Just then he noticed this boy, visibly moved and praying. Leaning over the pulpit he said: "Donald, will you lead us in prayer?"

The boy rose to his feet and in his prayer referred to the fourth chapter of Revelation: "Oh God, I seem to be gazing through the open door. I see the Lamb in the midst of the Throne, with the keys of death and of hell at His side."
He began to sob; then lifting his eyes toward heaven, cried: "O God, there is power there, let it loose!"

With the force of a hurricane the Spirit of God swept into the building and the floodgates of heaven opened.
(See more at

When I read such accounts, I know that the awesome manifestations of God's work on earth wouldn't happen without hidden heroes of prayer.

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