Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What on earth in heaven's name is a blog?

It's the ugliest word in English - blog (I'm told it's short for web log).

But, blogs have changed everything. Now anyone with the proverbial axe can spout off about almost anything. Do we really need another blog in the blogosphere?

No, but this one may be different. It'll look at all sides of a powerful dynamic - what is prayer and why are we (no matter what religion) so fascinated by it?

So, let's start by looking at this top-of-the-list troubling question about prayer... if God cares and prayer really works, why do so many prayers go unanswered?

Could it be that prayers go unanswered because God is waiting on us? In some way, are we are sabotaging our own prayers?

I just wrote a book about that subject - "Why God Waits For Us To Pray."

Let me know what you think. And how you deal with these puzzling conundrums about prayer...

Thanks for reading.

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