Sometimes the most remarkable treasures come from the least likely places.
We've witnessed that for fifteen years at our church's annual Prayer Enrichment Workshop right here in Calhoun, Louisiana.
For the past decade and a half we've been honored to hear the best speakers we can find on the subject of prayer. Most of them are well-known in the Churches of Christ and Independent Christian Churches for the power of their presentations and the depth of their study.

This year isn't any different. Look at the list of awesome speakers slated to be with us this week - September 12-14.
Dr. Albert Lemmons has taught hundreds of prayer seminars on nearly every continent in his fifty-two years of ministry, and has written extensively about prayer and spiritual growth. He's a recognized scholar on the subject of George Muller and has spoken at our Workshop here in Calhoun for nearly its entire life.
Terry Rush directs the amazing International Soul Winning Workshop in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which draws thousands each year. He also serves as Preaching Minister for the Memorial Drive Church of Christ in Tulsa.
Dr. Barry Stephens teaches Bible at Lubbock Christian University and serves as Senior Minister for the exciting Monterey Church of Christ in Lubbock. Barry is also one of the Instructors in our CrossView College of Prayer audio series.
Larry Burrell, Senior Minister for the predominantly African-American Parkview Drive Church of Christ, has served that church for 29 years and has a local television broadcast titled Let God Be True.
Hugh Gower served the Calhoun Church for several years as our Prayer Ministry Coordinator and Director of our Food Bank. He's often asked to speak in churches about the subject of prayer. He now preaches for the Ward Chapel Church of Christ in North Louisiana.
And then there's me - Keith Roberts, author of Why God Waits For You To Pray, and Preaching Minister for the Calhoun Church.
Join us for this life-changing event... there'll be three and a half days of study, prayer, fellowship, food and networking with other prayer ministries and intercessors. Here's the schedule:
3:00 PM - Special Seminar - Albert Lemmons - "Preparing Your Heart & Your Faith For Revival"
7:00 PM - Terry Rush - "God Works!"
8:00 AM - Breakfast (provided by Calhoun Church)
9:00 AM - Terry Rush - "Envisioning the Invisible"
10:00 AM - Keith Roberts - "Why God Waits For You to Pray"
11:00 AM - Terry Rush - "An Attitude of Gratitude"
Lunch Break (provided by Calhoun Church)
1:30 PM - Albert Lemmons - Intercession's Power For Revival
2:30 PM - Larry Burrell - "Prayer Life of the Early Church"
3:30 PM - Hugh Gower - "Praying Together"
4:15 - 5:30 - Prayer Time & Fellowship
5:30 - Cajun Cookout
7:00 PM - Barry Stephens - "Let God Be God"
8:00 AM - Breakfast (provided)
9:00 AM - Worship - Barry Stephens - "The Church at Prayer"
10:00 AM - Barry Stephens - "An Intrusive God"
11:30 - Pot luck lunch - Calhoun Church's 43rd Homecoming!
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